Monday 4 January 2010


Well, a new year and what is on the horizon, zooming with glee at you?

It's some new films!

There are a few projects in the pipeline.

First I intend to film a short, 6 page, script, that I submitted to Northern Film & Media's "Stingers" project. Called "Fade To Black" it is shot entirely within a hotel room, featuring a writer/director struggling to finish her current film, and her husband, who is also her lead actor in this film and throughout her career. Problems with the script, the direction it is taking, echo the problems in their relationship. And who is mysteriously emailing the her throughout their conversation? Needing only three actors, one (large) room and a car, I believe this could be shot in a day.

Secondly, I have a synopsis for a music video which has been pitched to a local band that features friends of mine (and an actor in The Day Off), called The Murder Mile. Become a fan on their facebook page

It features theft, smuggling, kidnap and murder. And rock n roll, of course. It will be shot at a pub (or two) and the South Gare (near Redcar).

While both of these are serious projects, they will be something of a test bed and learning process for the new camera (my Cannon XL1S), so that when it comes to filming the 13 page screenplay of a 1930s set thriller, complete with a nightclub, jazz band, burlesque girls, costumes, deception and intrigue. With all the extras, the set and costume design and the period look, this will be the biggest production I've attempted, but I have nothing but enthusiasm for it!!

Check back soon for more news and updates.
Happy New Year!