Sunday, 29 November 2009

And so it begins

Well, here it is, the first blog post on the Smoggywood Productions official blog.
It almost sounds official, now.

Smoggywood is basically me, Ian Robinson, a 34 yr old Middlesbrough based (and born) writer and director. Now I have finished a Masters in Creative Writing and purchased my first proper pro-sumer camera (a gorgeous Canon XL1S from ebay, with inheritance money; thank you Nana and Grandad), and the laptop and software to edit, now I am launching this thing.

There's already a facebook page (because nothing is anything without one, apparently) where you can see pictures, watch video clips and be kept up to date with what is being made and done. this blog will be where I ponder, pontificate, procrastinate and post about film making related subjects.

Well, that's a start, more later.